E217: Making Space as a Caregiver: Essential Steps to Reclaim Your Well-Being


Welcome to The Caregiver Cup Podcast!

Today, we’re diving into a crucial topic: "Making Space as a Caregiver." One of the biggest mistakes caregivers make (myself included) is putting ourselves on hold, which eventually takes a toll on our well-being. Let's talk about how to "make space," recharge, and find your personalized well-being.

The Importance of Making Space

Caregiving is demanding and can consume every aspect of your life if you let it. Let me share a few stories (names and details have been altered for privacy), but I’m sure you’ll relate.

Emma’s Story: The Overwhelmed Caregiver

Emma was a full-time caregiver for her elderly mother with Alzheimer's. She devoted all her time and energy to her mother, often skipping meals and losing sleep. Emma felt guilty even thinking about taking time for herself, believing it was selfish. Over time, her health deteriorated—she was constantly tired, emotionally drained, and began experiencing severe headaches.

One day, Emma fainted while helping her mother and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor told her that her body was under immense stress and she needed to take care of herself to care for her mother. This was Emma’s wake-up call. She realized that neglecting her health was putting both herself and her mother at risk.

Emma decided to set aside time each day for herself. She started small—taking a 30-minute walk, reading a book, or enjoying a quiet cup of tea. She also reached out to a local support group for caregivers and found comfort in sharing her experiences with others who understood her challenges. With these changes, Emma's health improved, and she found herself more capable and patient in her caregiving role.

Emma’s journey highlights skipped meals, poor sleep quality, and body signals like tiredness, headaches, and emotional drain. Her transformation didn’t happen overnight. We worked on making simple changes, like taking two 30-minute...

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E215: Caregiving Journey: Resilience, Mindfulness and Self-Care with Danae Robinett


When Danae Robinett shares her caregiving journey, her words carry both weight and warmth. In a recent podcast episode, she bravely opens up about her experiences caring for her parents, who both battled cancer. Her story isn't just about challenges faced; it's a testament to resilience and offers profound lessons for anyone in a similar role.

As Danae navigates the complexities of healthcare and daily caregiving demands, she emphasizes the importance of self-care and mindfulness. Her insights serve as a guide for those struggling to find balance amidst responsibilities. Danae's narrative highlights the transformative power of approaching life's challenges with mindfulness.

One key lesson Danae shares is the importance of self-preservation while caring for others. She discusses setting boundaries, saying "no" when necessary, and managing time and emotions to sustain both caregiver and care receiver.

Throughout the episode, Danae discusses practical caregiving issues, from long-distance challenges to advocating for proper medical care. She candidly addresses emotional and financial tolls, including the impact on her own health.

The episode concludes with Danae sharing mindfulness practices to release tension and stress. She emphasizes acknowledging emotions without being consumed by them.

Danae invites listeners to connect and learn from her experiences. Her message is clear: while caregiving is an act of love, it should not sacrifice the caregiver's well-being.

In summary, this episode is a lesson in resilience, humanity, and self-compassion. It's essential listening for caregivers and anyone who may find themselves in that role. Danae's experiences offer valuable insights and serve as a reminder to prioritize self-care while caring for others.

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Take 20 To Improve Your Caregiver Day


Are you burning out?  
Are you exhausted, fatigued, or just plain tired?
What’s your stress level? 
What about your anxiety level?
Are you sad or depressed?

How do you feel about your health?  Are you taking care of yourself?  Are you losing weight?  Or are you gaining weight?  

These are just a few symptoms of caregiver stress and caregiver burnout?  

I want to talk today about the ONE thing you can do.  The ONE thing you can take control of.  

I'm here to give you some tough love and hard talk.  

It’s time . Let me say it again.  It’s time.  Time to move!   

I'm here to tell you that you have to move.  

You have to even if you don’t feel like it.  Even if you're tired.  Even if you don’t think you have time.  

Start small -  just 20 minutes a day is all you need.   Or even if it’s 15 minutes.  

A study from Harvard says:   “Exercising as little as 15 minutes of physical activity a day can increase your life span by 3 years." 

Here’s another stat from caregiver.org and the Family Caregiver Alliance:  35% of female caregivers report high levels of stress.  Those symptoms go from headaches to high blood pressure to weight gain.  

Think of movement and exercise as an outlet.  A place to go to recharge, think and take care of yourself

Let me share my story.   

Pre-caregiving, I was very active.   I went to the gym 5-6 days a week.  Prior to my Dad and Spouse getting their cancer diagnosis in Sept 2017, I was training for my 9th half marathon.  

It was a habit and routine I stuck with since I felt better.  I watched what I ate.  Don’t get me wrong, there were days I didn’t want to get up and move my body.  But when I did, I was happier.   

Then Sept 2017 came and I thought I didn’t have time. ...

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Embracing Morning Routines: Transformative Self-Care for Caregivers


In the hustle of caregiving, self-care often falls by the wayside, especially in the early hours when the demands of the day seem to pile up before the sun even rises. But what if the secret to managing stress and fostering well-being lies in the way we greet the morning? This is the empowering premise behind a recent episode of the Caregiver Cup podcast, where listeners are invited to delve into the transformative potential of morning routines.

The episode opens with a candid personal narrative, as the host shares a pivotal moment from six years ago that catalyzed a significant shift in perspective. This vulnerability leads to a broader discussion about the benefits of morning rituals for caregivers. It's not merely a list of tasks; it's about embracing a practice that has the power to ripple positive change across various aspects of life.

One key concept introduced is "habit stacking," which encourages caregivers to build momentum with small, consistent wins each morning. These wins, though seemingly insignificant on their own, compound to create a significant impact on one's daily routine. By introducing elements like stretching, meditation, and journaling, the host demonstrates how such practices have personally led to improved mental clarity and overall well-being.

As the episode progresses, practical steps to create a personalized morning routine are laid out. Gratitude journaling and embracing life's challenges—or, as the host refers to it, 'Embracing the Suck'—are suggested as tools to cultivate resilience. Furthermore, the episode addresses the common pitfalls that caregivers might encounter, such as overcommitting or selecting activities that inadvertently increase stress.

The podcast emphasizes assessing one's day in "zones," advocating for the integration of self-care into the first zone of the day to set a positive tone. The host's own rituals, shared across different seasons of caregiving, illustrate the adaptability and necessity...

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The importance of putting yourself first with Amy Linsmeyer


You're in for a big treat with today's guest.  I chatted with a life coach and business friend who is passionate about self-care, self-love and the pursuit of growth.  

Today's guest, Amy Linsmeyer, is dedicated to helping women move forward in their personal and entrepreneur journey by encouraging dreams, their authentic self and developing a foundation that supports sustainable growth.   

Amy shared ways to put yourself first, finding a morning routine and most importantly taking action.   She gives her best tips and mindset practices, knowing that challenges are part of the caregiver life.  

Here are just a word from Amy worth noting:

  • It's ok to let the pieces fall as you figure things out. 
  • We need to know where we are, before we go where we’re going to go

  •  It all comes down to what we want in life.   Appreciate the importance of your putting yourself first

  • The difference between wanting and having is an action.  What are you doing to make it happen.   

  • If you are not making the time you want to do, you basically are setting yourself up for failure.  

  • Write down your mornings for 3 days first before you go to work/clock in
  • You’ll start to notice times you can fit in
  • Even if you only have 15 minutes - you can do journal gratitude.  
  • If you can’t find a morning routine, then look at what you are doing in the evening
  • If you want to show up for your Loved One, practice gratitude.   You will show up differently.  

  • It’s even more important to adopt a Morning Routine and self-care.  
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