E201: 7 Questions To Ask When Nothing Seems To Be Working In Your Caregiver Life


Are you feeling like nothing is working in your Caregiver Life? Are you getting down on yourself with little hope that things will change? You're not alone. In this tough season, when caregiving feels overwhelming, it's crucial to remember three things.

  1. You Are Not Alone: It might sound cliché, but acknowledging that you're not alone is essential. While it doesn't instantly alleviate the challenges, understanding that others have been there, too, can provide perspective and inspiration.

  2. Caregiving Has Its Ups and Downs: Caregiving is a rollercoaster with its share of ups and downs. Recognizing this truth is the first step towards navigating the tough times effectively.

  3. Stop Being So Hard on Yourself: Don't let missed tasks or mistakes define your worth. You can't control everything, and that's okay. Instead of self-criticism, ask yourself what went wrong, why it happened, and work towards a better plan.

Taking a Pause

Now, let's explore a crucial step in finding solutions: taking a pause. It might seem impossible in the constant demands of caregiving, but pausing and assessing the situation is vital. Picture it like recalibrating your GPS:

  1. Slow Down and Assess the Situation FIRST: Even in the busiest caregiving moments, taking a moment to pause can provide clarity. Whether it's a day, half a day, or even an hour, find time to recalibrate.

  2. Check-in with Your Mental Health: During this pause, ask yourself simple yet profound questions about your basic needs. Have you drunk water, been outside, eaten, had a regular bowel movement, moved your body, slept well, and connected with someone or something you treasure? If any answers are no, focus on those aspects this week.

Moving Forward with 7 Questions

Now that you've paused and assessed, it's time to move forward with intention and focus. Ask yourself these seven questions:

  1. Who are 1-3 people I can talk to honestly about this situation?

    • Talking to others helps break the cycle of...
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E42: Reduce Caregiver Stress with a Morning Mindset


Stress and anxiety can feel like  carrying around a very heavy backpack.  It feels like you can’t turn off your mind whether it’s worry, anger, or the thoughts of everything that has to be done or all the demands on you.  Your chest gets tightens when you hear a text alert or a phone ring.  

As working women  caregiving you are stretched and stressed at the highest levels and your body and mind are going to show signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety.  If you stay at that higher level, something is going to break and affect your overall well-being.  

Find a morning routine and mindset can help reduce and release stress.

Start your day with intention and a fresh mindset.  Choose to fill your mind with happiness, gratitude and joy each morning.   

Each day is different.  If I know my spouse has an appointment, I might say,  Today, I’m going to be optimistic and grateful for his oncology team.  If I know I know I have competing priorities today and my stress will be high, I might say,  Today, I’m going to choose to take things one at a time.  

Find a podcast, audio book or music that lifts you up in the morning.   Avoid listening to news, checking your emails or social media before.   You don’t want anything to get in the way of your morning.  

Check out these resource:

When you stick with it, you will realize the rewards:

  • You find yourself and start believing in yourself. Set the intention to be a better person and feel your mind, soul and body.
  • You build confidence and pride in YOU by being consistent. 
  • You feel a sense of accomplishment for doing something for you.  

Stop waiting for it to be the perfect time or the right place - it’s never going to be the best time to start something.    You...

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E200: Celebrating 200 Episodes: Unveiling the Strength Inside Every Caregiver's Story


Hello, and welcome to this special episode, a milestone, the 200th installment of the Caregiver Cup Podcast. I'm thrilled to share this journey with you and delve into the essence of our caregiving community.

Our story began in October 2020 as The Caregiver Wife Podcast, a personal endeavor to share the lessons learned while navigating the challenging terrain of caregiving. What started as a coping mechanism evolved into a passion project—more than just filling your cup; it's about empowerment, becoming your best self, and discovering strategies to enhance this caregiver life.

Let's take a moment to reflect on our evolution. We've been recognized, ranking 34th in FeedSpot's 80 Best Caregiver Podcasts and in the top 10% globally according to Listen Score. With 182 solo episodes and 18 guests, including spouses, siblings, authors, health professionals, activists, and working women, the podcast has become a diverse tapestry of experiences.

 Thank you for the reviews, emails, and connections. Your caregiver stories warm my heart—challenges, victories, determination, and courage. Your feedback is a ray of sunshine, reminding me of the impact our community has.

The podcast has evolved, and so have we. A couple of heartfelt reviews emphasize the podcast's impact, proving that it's not just a listening experience but a source of inspiration and support.

 Now, let's address some listener questions. Sarah, your struggle is acknowledged. Recognizing burnout is a significant step. Transform your mindset by asking why, find the root cause, and work on solutions. Small steps, like a weekly walk, can lead to significant changes.

Kaylee, your dual caregiving journey is commendable. Guilt is normal but retrain your brain. Acknowledge, find the root, and cope. Focus on the benefits of your decisions, prioritize self-care, and know you're doing your best.

Each caregiver's journey is unique. Don't compare years; focus on what works best for you....

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Adopting a Morning Mindset


How many of you laid in bed and wished that the world would just go away?   When I was growing up I remember that song…. Make the world go away,  (play)   I know I am aging myself.  

Yes it’s normal to feel like that on occasion.  But reality is, we have to get up and live our life.     

What does your day look like?

  • A day of doctor appointments
  • A day of chemotherapy or physical therapy
  • Is your spouse having surgery today
  • Is it staying home and taking care of your spouse
  • Are you working?
  • Are you trying to figure out how to get that appliance repaired
  • Do you have to clean the house or do the laundry
  • Grocery shopping
  • Launching a new product in your business?

What is your mind saying this morning to you?   

  • I am stressed
  • I am anxious
  • I am struggling 
  • I am sad
  • I am angry
  • I am frustrated
  • It’s ground hog’s day
  • I am excited
  • I am feeling joy

Our minds are incredibly powerful.    You can influence your mood each day.  

Your mind will welcome the easy way out like negativity (the downward) thoughts saying just go back to bed or stay in that sad mood.   It will tell you it’s ok and convince you of it..  

You'll have to work hard to get your mind to accept it’s positivity (upward) thoughts.  Sometimes it’s really really hard.   If I’m in a super duper downward spiral, I’ll tell my ind to take a hike.   “Hit the road jack and don’t you come back…..”  

Think of your mind as a muscle.  You will have to build that muscle to think upward especially in hard and challenging times.   If you want a 6 pack abs, you have to work at it.  

I am not saying you have to be happy or fake happy.  But you can find push through and find joy in your day.   You have a choice to wake up and make the best of the...

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