Adopting a Morning Mindset


How many of you laid in bed and wished that the world would just go away?   When I was growing up I remember that song…. Make the world go away,  (play)   I know I am aging myself.  

Yes it’s normal to feel like that on occasion.  But reality is, we have to get up and live our life.     

What does your day look like?

  • A day of doctor appointments
  • A day of chemotherapy or physical therapy
  • Is your spouse having surgery today
  • Is it staying home and taking care of your spouse
  • Are you working?
  • Are you trying to figure out how to get that appliance repaired
  • Do you have to clean the house or do the laundry
  • Grocery shopping
  • Launching a new product in your business?

What is your mind saying this morning to you?   

  • I am stressed
  • I am anxious
  • I am struggling 
  • I am sad
  • I am angry
  • I am frustrated
  • It’s ground hog’s day
  • I am excited
  • I am feeling joy

Our minds are incredibly powerful.    You can influence your mood each day.  

Your mind will welcome the easy way out like negativity (the downward) thoughts saying just go back to bed or stay in that sad mood.   It will tell you it’s ok and convince you of it..  

You'll have to work hard to get your mind to accept it’s positivity (upward) thoughts.  Sometimes it’s really really hard.   If I’m in a super duper downward spiral, I’ll tell my ind to take a hike.   “Hit the road jack and don’t you come back…..”  

Think of your mind as a muscle.  You will have to build that muscle to think upward especially in hard and challenging times.   If you want a 6 pack abs, you have to work at it.  

I am not saying you have to be happy or fake happy.  But you can find push through and find joy in your day.   You have a choice to wake up and make the best of the day.  It’s a new day and a new gift to be the best version of you.  

So how do you adopt that morning mindset?!!   I have a list of 10 suggestions. Now everyone is different which means you can customize it for you.   You can’t do all these but maybe one or two of these will help.  Get my free download that I walk through in this blog and podcast.  

Tip 1.  Self-Talk

  • Mel Robbins moto 5-4-3-2-1
  • Find a strong quote or saying “ I can, I will, I am”   I had some funny words I would tell myself too   “suck it up buttercup”
  • Picture by your bed
  • I have a wall hanging in my bedroom that says “make today amazing” 

Tip 2:  Plan your day the night before

  • If you limited on time - prep in advance
  • Lay out your clothes
  •  Prep your food
  • Schedule out your day.  It would be easy to just get up and let the day just be but having a plan gives you purpose.  

Tip 3:  Dress up 

  • Those days of getting dressed and working outside the home, seems so long ago.
  • But I know when I put on a nice shirt and necklace, I feel so much better
  • Remember your spouse will notice that you got dressed and put on makeup

Tip 4:  Journaling 

  • Gratitude
  • Thoughts
  • Accountability partners

Tip 5:  Move 30 minutes

  • Take a morning walk
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Gardening
  • Yoga

Tip 6:  Sit with yourself

  • Meditate
  • Coffee in a quiet spot
  • Read 

Tip 7:  Fuel your body

  • Healthy breakfast
  • Smoothie or protein drink
  • Water - hydrate
  • Vitamins

Tip 8:  Start with your passions

  • Hobby
  • Write your book, work your business
  • Text  your family
  • Chat with your friend

Tip 9:  Find motivation

  • Podcast
  • Music
  • Motivation of the Day
  • Comedy / Laughter
  • Feed the birds
  • Walk the dogs

Tip 10:  Pamper yourself 

  • Do your nails
  • Take a bath
  • Facial

You may be saying - that’s fine and dandy but I don’t have time or I can’t or my life is too hard for me right now.   Girl……  you need this now more than ever.     

My ask to you is why????   

  • You deserve this
  • You can find time - it may require you to get up earlier or push some things back.
  • You can do this after you take care of your spouse but do something
  • Think about how good you will feel
  • Think about what happens if you don’t - burn out, health and mental issues, etc

Your mind will require you to build the muscle.  It takes 14-21 day to form a habit.  

Reinvent your morning!!!  Set yourself up for a good day.  


What story are you telling yourself every morning.  

“Good morning!  I am going to make the best of this day.  I am grateful for….   It’s important to spend time with me this morning.   I deserve this.    

The way we talk and the way we think creates how we feel.  


So pick 1-2 of these and give it a try.  I promise if you adopt this practice, you will find start feeling better.   You are priority.  It’s not selfish.  You’re actually being a better caregiver.