Feeling sad, angry, resenting life, or grieving the good old days or what you used to do. This episode might be just coming at the right time for you.
As a caregiver, you’re at risk for depression. Sometimes you feel hopeless or helpless. You cab't sleep and have trouble facing the day.
You're human and it's normal to feel sad. It’s normal to get down. But like I said last week, in episode 30, you can’t stay there. It can lead to depression, health issues, and caregiver stress, burnout and compassion fatigue. Get my free resource on caregiver stress
Have you said one of these statements?
For caregivers, feelings isolated and lonely is a common complaint I hear and what I experienced quite often myself and a lot during the holidays. You feel isolated and withdrawn from your family, friends and your daily routines. You most likely had to replace time with caregiving duties or you stay behind from activities since your spouse can’t go.
Some of my very dark, lonely days were