Oh No, My Battery Is Low. What About You?


FACT:  You have 168 hours a week.  24 hours a day.  No more.  

  • How many hours do you work your 9-5 job or business?
  • How many hours do you spend doing work around your home?
  • How many hours errands (that grocery shopping, pharmacy hours)
  • Now at the time of the podcast - it’s holiday season - so how many hours are you shopping, wrapping, baking, decorating or doing other activities of the season. 
  • How many hours do you spend caregiving
  • Then your time and hopefully it’s self-care your me time 

Have you said any of these words out loud or to yourself  

  • I am so tired? 
  • I can barely make it through the day. 
  • I would give anything to take a nap. 
  • I can’t remember the last time I had a goodnight sleep. 
  • Ijust keep drinking caffeine hoping to stay awake. 

Here was a schedule I had back in 2017 

  • It’s Monday
  • Get up at 5:30 am 
  • Household chores (throw in a load of wash, tidy up around the house and water the flowers outside)
  • Pack my lunch and work laptop and supplies)
  • Journal and 30 minutes of working my business
  • Then shower and quick breakfast
  • 7:00 - drive my spouse to his day 1 of 3 chemotherapies and doctor appointments
  • Lab work, doctor’s appt and then sit by the chemotherapy chair until 3pm
  • I work my 9-5 job during that time
  • 3pm drive spouse home.  He is not feeling well.  So get him in his lazy boy with crackers, jello and a warm blanket.
  • Go to my home office and finish 9-5 job.  
  • 5pm:  fold that laundry, make dinner, dishes - spouse isn’t hungry and goes to bed.  
  • 7-10 pm:  work on my business
  • 10pm check on spouse and get ready for bed
  • 11pm spouse is up not feeling well - get him some Tylenol
  • Can’t sleep due to worry - get up and down checking on spouse

The next day the same.  

Here’s another day in 2018

  • 7am - decided to sleep in later now since I am so tired from last...
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