Happy New Year! It’s Cathy Here!
I 'm recording this episode on January 1, 2021. It’s a new year. I know a lot of us are happy to say good-bye to 2020.
As a country and world, we faced challenges that we never thought we would ever face. The pandemic changed our lives.
2020 taught me to NOT take things for granted. Hugs from my family, celebrations
It taught me how to enjoy the little things. Facetime chats, videos, board games
It taught me it’s ok to sit quiet. I journaled more than ever
It taught me to take advantage of the situation. I...
How many of you laid in bed and wished that the world would just go away? When I was growing up I remember that song…. Make the world go away, (play) I know I am aging myself.
Yes it’s normal to feel like that on occasion. But reality is, we have to get up and live our life.
What does your day look like?
What is your mind saying this morning to you?
Our minds are...
I have been really troubled lately when I hear caregivers say…...
This may sound harsh and bold, and I don’t mean it to be this way. But when you look at the glass half empty , you'll continue to stay that way. Complaining, moping and negativity are easy.
Yes, you are experiencing a terrible, challenging time. I'm sending hugs and warm thoughts. BUT, let me be your best friend in your ear. You have to pick yourself up! Everything, I mean everything in your life isn't broken. Yes, your spouse is sick, your new normal is hard but there are parts that are ok.
Today I want to talk about making the best of EVERY situation.
I'm hearing many complaining about the holidays not being...
It's hard - this new norm, right now.
As I was prepping for this podcast, I went back to a dark day in 2018. I didn’t want to get out of bed, I called in sick from my 9-5 job and actually lied about being sick. I just wanted to get in the car and drive away. How far could I go before anyone noticed? I seriously wanted to run away from my life.
That day I did go for a drive. I spent that day really figuring out where I was. I had to face reality. I had to accept my new normal, grieve my old life and move forward. It was a huge tipping point for me.
It is hard to face this reality , but truth is, you have to hear it . You have to take that step forward.
I have a free handout for you. This is what I wrote out that day. Go to www. cathylvan.com/newnormal or click this link.
Now it’s not the magical potion or a solution, but it helped me shift my...
I recently listened to The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo, episode number 313. She talked about pre- traumatic stress for the health care workers fighting the COV19. They are living in fear of catching the virus and/or bringing it home to their families.
As I was listening to that and feeling their stress and anxiety, I thought back to when my spouse, Denis received his first cancer diagnosis. I had panic and fear many times thinking and anticipating the future with thoughts of:
Can you relate? It's a normal feeling.
It’s interesting how our brain moves right into panic, fear and moving into that future state.
I fought those thoughts for weeks by crying myself to sleep, going...