E215: Caregiving Journey: Resilience, Mindfulness and Self-Care with Danae Robinett


When Danae Robinett shares her caregiving journey, her words carry both weight and warmth. In a recent podcast episode, she bravely opens up about her experiences caring for her parents, who both battled cancer. Her story isn't just about challenges faced; it's a testament to resilience and offers profound lessons for anyone in a similar role.

As Danae navigates the complexities of healthcare and daily caregiving demands, she emphasizes the importance of self-care and mindfulness. Her insights serve as a guide for those struggling to find balance amidst responsibilities. Danae's narrative highlights the transformative power of approaching life's challenges with mindfulness.

One key lesson Danae shares is the importance of self-preservation while caring for others. She discusses setting boundaries, saying "no" when necessary, and managing time and emotions to sustain both caregiver and care receiver.

Throughout the episode, Danae discusses practical caregiving issues, from long-distance challenges to advocating for proper medical care. She candidly addresses emotional and financial tolls, including the impact on her own health.

The episode concludes with Danae sharing mindfulness practices to release tension and stress. She emphasizes acknowledging emotions without being consumed by them.

Danae invites listeners to connect and learn from her experiences. Her message is clear: while caregiving is an act of love, it should not sacrifice the caregiver's well-being.

In summary, this episode is a lesson in resilience, humanity, and self-compassion. It's essential listening for caregivers and anyone who may find themselves in that role. Danae's experiences offer valuable insights and serve as a reminder to prioritize self-care while caring for others.

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E53: Discover Your Needs As A Caregiver


Lisa Allarid was faced with huge adversity and a new normal  in December of 2018 when her husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease.  She's a mom of 4 and works in the finance industry. 



She had to learn about kidney disease, nutrition, and how the donor system works.  

Lisa also shares how she stopped taking care of herself, going out with friends and really hitting rock bottom before she realized the importance of her needs.  

You will find some amazing golden nuggets about half way through the interview when Lisa shares how she is embracing her new normal by knowing what type of caregiver she is., what her strengths are, and what her weaknesses are. 

As she is growing and figuring out how to be a better caregiver and most importantly a better person to herself, she is expressing what she needs.  She's a beautiful role model and teaching her children the true meaning of love and caregiving.     

Follow Lisa on Instagram at @lisaallarid and @steveneedsakidney

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E 45: How to find inner strength when faced with your new caregiver reality


Mary Wyatt was faced with huge adversity and a new normal  on 11/7/20 when her husband had a seizure and then she heard the words Grade 4 GBM which in layman's terms is an aggressive cancer that starts in the brain.   In my interview with Mary she shares her story, her challenges and ways she is dealing with the harsh reality of her husband’s cancer.  

I know you can relate to Mary’s story of trying to balance work and caring for you loved one as well as trying to work through your emotions and taking care of yourself. 

One more thing,  I had Mary fill out a questionnaire prior to the interview and wanted to share what she wrote when asked her the question:  

What have you learned about yourself as a caregiver?   
She wrote:  That I am a lot stronger than I ever gave myself credit for, that I was made with grit.  I am resilient, courageous and am driven with a heart so big that has passion to share my testimony so maybe just maybe it can help another young woman out there see she never had to go it alone.

In  the interview today  Mary has an amazing ability to communicate her story of true inspiration.   As you listen, we want you to reflect on:

 “How are you finding your inner strength?”  

 “ How are you asking for help?” and accepting it?

 “Who are you surrounding yourself with?” 

You can find Mary at

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E198: Comfort Unveiled: A Journey through the Caregiver's Learning Zone


As a caregiver, you embark on a path that often takes you through uncharted emotional territories. The journey is not just about providing care, but also about personal transformation. This podcast episode delves into the transformative process caregivers undergo, from the initial fear and doubt to eventual mastery and empowerment.

Imagine the scenario: your loved one needs a stem cell transplant, and suddenly, you're thrust into a whirlwind of medical terms and life-altering decisions. This is where our host's journey began. The fear zone is the first hurdle, marked by avoidance, stress, and overwhelm. It's easy to feel out of your depth, whether it's facing unfamiliar medical equipment or navigating the complex healthcare system. But recognizing these feelings is the first step towards moving out of the fear zone.

Transitioning into the learning zone, caregivers begin to acquire new skills. Understanding medical information becomes less daunting, and communicating with healthcare professionals becomes more fluid. The growth in confidence is palpable as you learn to manage medications or schedule appointments more efficiently. This phase is crucial as it builds the foundation for the next leap – into the growth zone.

The growth zone is where true transformation occurs. Caregivers find themselves developing resilience, handling bad news with a constructive mindset, and learning to seek support when necessary. This episode emphasizes that this empowerment doesn't happen overnight. It's a patchwork of confidence built on acknowledging strengths and confronting limitations.

Towards the end of the podcast, the host shares insights on the importance of pacing oneself and the need for self-care. Caregiving is likened to a marathon, requiring patience and the ability to adapt to new roles. Strategies such as automating mundane tasks can help reclaim time for self-care, which is essential for caregivers to be their best selves.

The podcast also introduces the...

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How to find resilience in your caregiver challenges


You jump in your car and the check engine light goes on.  Well you think to yourself, should I just leave it or bring it back into the shop.  There obviously is something wrong. 

How does this relate to caregiving.  Today I want to talk about resilience

Things have shifted in your life, as well as mine.  Your life is not the same.  Change has happened or maybe it’s still happening, like mine is in the caregiver life and caregiver journey

Dealing with changes, challenges, barriers and disruptions is hard.  It’s frustrating,  It’s scay and then there is the uncertainty too.  It challenges your beliefs and it can knock you down.  

Resilience is the promise of the human spirit  - that it can rise through it.  That you can move forward with great faith and optimism and recapture it all.  

It's the  ability to believe.  When a challenge or situation occurs and we can’t find the strength to pick ourselves up.  We believe this and our mindset is stuck.    Our ability to do that (thing) is slows us down by hurt, pain, trauma, grief or whatever you are feeling.   Think about your struggles.   What is the one thing that happened recently that brought you down?

When you’re in your deepest, darkest, it’s hard to find that mental strength.  First and foremost, you have to be ok with this and grant yourself grace since you are not perfect.  

Resilience begins with acknowledgement of the challenge, struggles, and difficulties of the hardship.   Because picking yourself up, remaining strong in this time is super hard

When we don’t allow ourselves to sense it and feel it, we leave that check engine light on and risk that it will wreck our engine.  Hurt and pain are like that engine light.  We can’t drive it and hope it gets better.  It won’t get better.  It won’t go away. 

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What to do when you're waiting on testing, treatment options and the prognosis?


I never thought I would experience it again.  

These past couple weeks I have been riding the emotional roller coaster of caregiving - again.   

The words that come to mind are sudden, unexpected and why.

Cancer sucks.  It is a nasty disease.   

Aging sucks.  I hate the circle of life right now.  

But this podcast isn’t a pity party or a Debbie downer.  It’s funny how fast you forget about those firsts.  

  • The first inkling that something isn’t right with your loved one.
  • The initial shock and numbness when you hear the bad news.
  • Then comes all those emotions.  
    • Hours of sadness, crying, grief before you really need to
    • Anger, frustration 
    • Worry, confusion 
    • Feeling those nerves inside shaking
    • You can’t focus

First, let me tell you about my Mom.  I’m blessed to have a great mother-daughter relationship.  

She is an energizer bunny.  The social butterfly.  The one that is always willing to help.  She is the hard working blue collar worker with her own cleaning business.  She is still cleaning small apartments at age 79.   

She was married to my Dad 57 years until Dad passed away in 2018.  They both traveled, enjoyed spending time together and spent 15 winters in Arizona with their retirement village friends.  It amazed me to see the activities they did from riding motor cycles to ATVs to DIYing and much more.  

Mom and I did some Mother Daughter trips to Jamaica, Arizona, Minneapolis and Branson

In the last 3 years, I watched my Mom transform from a struggling widow to a strong, independent and happy woman.  If you follow me on Facebook, you might see many photos of our Sunday Fundays together.  When I visit at her senior apartment, her phone is always ringing and someone is knocking on her door.  

But now, she is faced with cancer.  I noticed...

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Interview with Jodi Duggan


One of my favorite additions to The Caregiver Wife Podcast is the interviews with caregiver wives.  Each woman has a unique with a  different story.  Each diverse story that’s shared is a way for listeners to gain insights, motivation, inspiration, strength and ways to lead as a caregiver.  If you want to share your story, click this link.

I would love to connect with you!!!

And now on to the show episode….  In this episode…. 

I have the pleasure of interviewing Jodi Duggan.  She is a Mom, Grandmother, and Caregiver Wife.   I have a unique connection to her since she is married to my brother, John.   I knew her story but when I heard her share the details, I felt her strength, courage and abilities to overcome challenges in a whole different light.  Oh and did I share that she was a military wife raising 4 children while my brother was deployed.

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