E218: Creating Joy in Caregiving: Simple Summer Activities for Lasting Memories



Summer is a time for creating joy and lasting memories, but for caregivers, grand adventures might feel out of reach. However, as discussed in our latest podcast episode, there are plenty of simple, local activities that can bring happiness and connection without requiring elaborate plans or faraway destinations. From intimate picnics and garden strolls to cozy movie nights at home, these activities prove that joy is accessible right where you are.

One of the main topics we delve into is the importance of finding joy in caregiving during the summer season. It can be disheartening to see others jetting off to beach vacations or planning extensive trips while you're tied down with caregiving responsibilities. But joy can still be found in smaller, simpler activities. Personal experiences shared in the episode highlight how local picnics, strolls through botanical gardens, and movie nights at home can create lasting memories. These activities don't just entertain; they foster a deep connection between you and your loved ones.

We also introduce a new text feature designed to enhance listener engagement. This feature allows you to share your caregiving stories, ask questions, and provide feedback. The privacy and confidentiality of your messages are guaranteed, making it a safe space for sharing your thoughts and experiences. This interactive approach ensures that you are not alone in your caregiving journey and can connect with a community of like-minded individuals.

The episode also emphasizes the mental and emotional benefits of spending time outdoors. Whether it's sipping beverages on the patio, listening to music, or attending vibrant community events like food truck rallies and church picnics, these activities can significantly boost mood and enhance focus. For those caring for elderly or ill loved ones, we provide practical tips for accessible outings to botanical gardens, museums, and zoos. These outings not only offer a change of scenery but...

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E36: Caring for a spouse with ulcerative colitis while pursing her passions with Diana Winkler


Diana Winkler is a singer songwriter and I'm an abuse advocate.  She uses music as one of my healing tools and facilitates Meaning The Soul healing groups.  She is also a podcaster of the Wound of the Faithful Podcast.

She is married to her husband, Brain for 11 years who struggles with severe ulcerative colitis.  Diana is very transparent about her own health struggles with memory loss too.  

In my interview, I ask Diana to share her everyday schedule.  She is figuring it out by juggling her schedule, pursuing her passions and finding time for herself.  

I ask Diana to unpack her caregiving journey.  She shares her spouse’s 10 year journey with ulcerative colitis, from the initial diagnosis,  remission and through the pandemic.  She talks about the stressors of his disease and how it impacts her as a caregiver.  

She shares her gratitude of both being able to work from home but also the stress there too.  

As a caregiver, Diana has had to be that advocate for her spouse's healthcare too.  She has a strong persistence to make sure her Loved One gets the best possible care.  

Then, we shift the interview on Diana and I ask her to share the pressure, stress and anxiety caregiving puts on her.  She shares the added responsibilities she takes on now that her spouse can’t do.  The grocery and meal planning needed.  

I appreciated Diana’s stories of where she lets the little things fall.  As caregivers we may need to just do that.  

Our conversation then led to the frustrations felt as a caregiver.  I am grateful she share this and then her awareness of her situation.  She knows that the disease is what she is most frustrated about, no her spouse.  

To end the interview, Diana and I talked about “filling our cups”.   She shares what really works for her - from her hobbies to martial arts to gardening.  


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E44: Have You Wished You Could Get Off The Caregiver Train


What about the hard days, the days when you want to throw in the towel, those days when you just want to quit being a caregiver.  As caregivers, you're navigating unbelievably complex and time-consuming situations.  

You're faced with the grimmest challenges 

  • Your loved one is sick and you can’t fix it
  • Your loved one is not the same person anymore 
  • All your focus is on them, their symptoms and pains
  • You’re the caregiver advocate
  • You’re holding up the home and family 
  • You’re dealing with finances and work
  • Then add your own emotions/feelings onto that

How many times have you wished you could get off the caregiving train?  It’s not fun.  It’s a huge sacrifice.  Your heart is telling you to keep going but your mind and body are tapped and the pressure and exhaustion becomes too much.  

First, rid yourself of feeling guilty, embarrassed or shame.   You're human and it’s normal to wish things would just go away.   There’s no greater drain than holding yourself to unrealistic expectations or that picture of the perfect, committed caregiver.  

This caregiving journey isn’t short term, usually it’s a very long term journey.   You have to relook at your expectations of yourself and what you commit to.  You can’t hold up to a commitment and sacrifice that you originally thought you could.  

What can you give up.

You’re the CEO of a really complicated enterprise.  Successful CEOs are constantly re-evaluating their priorities every year, every month, every week and every day to figure out what’s most important. They delegate or let go of everything else. They know that otherwise they’d be ineffective.

Sit down and make a list of all the things you CAN give up; and all of things you could offload to other people. Be ruthless. Be strategic.

  • Ask for help  
  • Take breaks often
  • Prioritize your...
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E42: Reduce Caregiver Stress with a Morning Mindset


Stress and anxiety can feel like  carrying around a very heavy backpack.  It feels like you can’t turn off your mind whether it’s worry, anger, or the thoughts of everything that has to be done or all the demands on you.  Your chest gets tightens when you hear a text alert or a phone ring.  

As working women  caregiving you are stretched and stressed at the highest levels and your body and mind are going to show signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety.  If you stay at that higher level, something is going to break and affect your overall well-being.  

Find a morning routine and mindset can help reduce and release stress.

Start your day with intention and a fresh mindset.  Choose to fill your mind with happiness, gratitude and joy each morning.   

Each day is different.  If I know my spouse has an appointment, I might say,  Today, I’m going to be optimistic and grateful for his oncology team.  If I know I know I have competing priorities today and my stress will be high, I might say,  Today, I’m going to choose to take things one at a time.  

Find a podcast, audio book or music that lifts you up in the morning.   Avoid listening to news, checking your emails or social media before.   You don’t want anything to get in the way of your morning.  

Check out these resource:

When you stick with it, you will realize the rewards:

  • You find yourself and start believing in yourself. Set the intention to be a better person and feel your mind, soul and body.
  • You build confidence and pride in YOU by being consistent. 
  • You feel a sense of accomplishment for doing something for you.  

Stop waiting for it to be the perfect time or the right place - it’s never going to be the best time to start something.    You...

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Finding Joy No Matter What


This may sound harsh and bold,  and I don’t mean it to be this way.   But when you look at the glass half empty , you'll continue to stay that way.   Complaining, moping and negativity are easy.  

Yes,  you are experiencing a terrible, challenging time.   I'm sending hugs and warm thoughts.   BUT,  let me be your best friend in your ear.   You have to pick yourself up!   Everything, I mean everything in your life isn't broken.  Yes, your spouse is sick, your new normal is hard but there are parts that are ok.  

Today I want to talk about making the best of EVERY situation.  

I'm hearing many complaining about the holidays not being good this year.   Yes, we're quarantining and being asked to stay home.  But, what about those ppl that lost their loved ones?  What about the people that lost their jobs and are losing their home?

Instead of saying and thinking negative.  Think:  No hustle and bustle, I don’t have to get dressed up.  I don’t have to travel.  We can stay in our pjs all day.   We can have dinner anytime we want to.   We can try new things.  We can Facetime our families.  

Same goes for you!  Instead of focusing on the challenges first , I encourage you to find joy & gratitude first.

Let’s do something fun.   I’ll  give you a couple situations we can find a piece of joy in it.   

 Your sump pump stopped working.  You walk down your basement and it’s flooded.  Four inches of water and everything is wet.  Your spouse just had knee surgery and can’t help.     Yes, this happened to me.  

  • Silver Lining:  I was able to call for help and get my boys over and my mom helped.   It was amazing how we worked together and got the basement cleaned up and a new pump put in 
  • I could have...
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