E59: The Importance of Recharging Each Day


In today’s episode I want to share a recording of a Live session I did with The Caregiver Cup Community.   I shared an article I found in caregiver.com by Mary Damiano 

As you listen to this episode today, I want you to think about two things

  1. What can you do to put yourself first - carving out just 30 minutes each day can make huge changes in your energy.  
  2. What motivates you?  Not everyone is a runner.  Not everyone is a morning morning.  You need to find what works best for you to recharge.  So be open and listen to all the tips but then personalize it to your values and your current situation right now.  

Recharging your batteries is one of the most important ways to help your loved one.

R: Rest. One of the most important things a caregiver can do for the person they’re caring for is to take care of themselves. A caregiver who wears himself out, and keeps going 24/7 risks burnout.

E: Eat right. Take a cue from your loved one’s diet and take the opportunity to eat healthy things as well. Maybe you don’t have to adhere to such a strict diet, but eating right certainly never hurts.

C: Communicate your needs to others. Don’t expect anyone, even other family members to read your mind about what you need or what your loved one needs. Let people around you know the things that need to be done and that occasionally; even you could use a hand.

H: Hydrate. Drink lots of water. Water hydrates your body and keeps you energized. Take vitamins if you don’t get enough nutrition from your food.

A: Accept help. This can be the hardest thing for the caregiver to do, but it’s one of the best things a caregiver can do for their loved one and for themselves. When people offer to help, often caregivers turn them down because they don’t want to burden them or because they can’t think of something off the top of their heads. Get over the notion that the only way to get it done...

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E49: How Do You Stay Motivated and Keep Your Energy Level Up?


In today’s episode, I am sharing a clip from a live session I did in May with The Caregiver Cup Community Facebook Group.    We go live each Wednesday in this group.  Some Wednesday are mini trainings, some are just connecting and others are Q&As.   

In May, I asked the community to submit questions.  Here are the questions:

  1. How do you stay motivated and keep your energy level up?
  2. What are your top 3 self-care tips?
  3. I feel angry and resentful all the time.  How do I overcome this?  

In this episode, I reference these two FREE resources:

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Thank you for listening. If you know of another caregiver who could benefit from

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Battling Energy Vampires: Protect Your Vibration and Empower Your Caregiving Journey

Caregiving is a rewarding, yet challenging journey. One of the hidden challenges that caregivers often face is the drain on their energy by individuals or situations, commonly known as energy vampires. These energy vampires can leave caregivers feeling exhausted and less effective in their roles. In this episode, we delve deep into identifying these energy vampires and exploring strategies to protect and enhance your energy.

Energy vampires can come in various forms - a constantly negative coworker, an overly critical parent, or an incessantly inquisitive friend. Their negativity and constant demand for your attention and energy can leave you feeling drained and powerless. The first step towards protecting your energy is to learn how to recognize these energy vampires in your life. They could be people who are always complaining, or those who cannot be happy for others and resort to lashing out or bullying. Energy vampires also include people who blame others for their problems or those who are overly judgmental or nosy.

One of the intriguing aspects we discuss in this episode is the Energy Vampire Syndrome. It is a condition where you might be unknowingly causing energy depletion in your own life. Recognizing the triggers for this syndrome and its signs, both physical and emotional, can help you take control of your energy levels. Symptoms like exhaustion, stress, and anxiety are often indicators of this syndrome.

Equipped with this understanding, we move towards empowering strategies to effectively deal with energy vampires. Building a positive energy barrier and raising your energy vibration can ward off the negative effects of these energy leeches. It is also essential to maintain positivity even when dealing with draining tasks. Techniques like meditation, gratitude practices, setting boundaries, and self-care can significantly aid in navigating the world of energy vampires.

Understanding the various forms of energy vampires is essential, but it is also...

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