Navigating the complex world of caregiving often presents an overwhelming sense of guilt and pressure, especially when trying to balance personal life, work, and the needs of loved ones. In a poignant episode of the Caregiver Cup podcast, the personal journey of navigating a tumultuous week during Thanksgiving in 2017 is shared, along with insights on how accepting the present moment can alleviate these feelings.
One of the major challenges caregivers face is when they or their loved ones receive a cancer diagnosis. This life-changing event often throws caregivers into a maelstrom of emotions, making self-care fall by the wayside. The podcast emphasizes the importance of taking it all in, allowing it to settle, and logically prioritizing what's important. Granting oneself grace during these challenging times and leaning into therapy and community for strength is highlighted as a vital part of coping with a cancer diagnosis.
Moreover, the societal pressures caregivers...
Meet my best friend, high school sweetheart and spouse of 39 years. Denis Vandenheuvel is the most optimistic and positive person I know.
In today’s episode, Denis will share his health journey and talk through his struggles and ways he shifted his mindset.
I hope you can glean information from the eyes of my spouse going through his health struggles in the last three years. See more pictures and stories on my website at
I recently listened to The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo, episode number 313. She talked about pre- traumatic stress for the health care workers fighting the COV19. They are living in fear of catching the virus and/or bringing it home to their families.
As I was listening to that and feeling their stress and anxiety, I thought back to when my spouse, Denis received his first cancer diagnosis. I had panic and fear many times thinking and anticipating the future with thoughts of:
Can you relate? It's a normal feeling.
It’s interesting how our brain moves right into panic, fear and moving into that future state.
I fought those thoughts for weeks by crying myself to sleep, going...
My journey started in 2017 when Denis received his first of two cancer diagnosis. That day I also was given the title of Caregiver.
During this cancer journey, there were tons of changes for my spouse. Cancer is not a journey anyone should have to experience and as a Caregiver it was not something I wanted to be part of. But I loved my husband and would take on his care like a CEO. I was a scheduler, a chauffeur, a nurse, a team member and more. I also worked full time for my corporate 100 company and ran my business.
One thing I didn’t do well in the last 28 months was make my health a priority. I gained over 25 pounds. At one point I tipped the scales 30 pounds over my ideal weight. When I look back stress played a lot of havoc with you.