Listen to the lastest episode of The Caregiver Cup Podcst

Oh that weight gain!


My journey started in 2017 when Denis received his first of two cancer diagnosis.   That day I also was given the title of Caregiver.    

During this cancer journey, there were tons of changes for my spouse.  Cancer is not a journey anyone should have to experience and as a Caregiver it was not something I wanted to be part of.   But I loved my husband and would take on his care like a CEO. I was a scheduler, a chauffeur, a nurse, a team member and more.   I also worked full time for my corporate 100 company and ran my business.  

One thing I didn’t do well in the last 28 months was make my health a priority.   I gained over 25 pounds. At one point I tipped the scales 30 pounds over my ideal weight.   When I look back stress played a lot of havoc with you.    

  • My sleep patterns were off
  • My eating wasn’t routine since Denis’ ate when he could
  • When I was in the midst of all of the craziness, I didn’t put ME first.  

 If I could go back and talk to ME - Cathy.  I would tell her: it’s not selfish to 

  • Workout and have someone sit with Denis during his chemo
  • To take a day off and do something for you

 So if you are in the midst of your spouse’s cancer journey, find time on your schedule for you.   

Look at how you can take care of you.   Ask yourself, how you can manage your health and make yourself a priority.  This cancer journey is a long marathon. It’s ok to ask for help. You don’t have to feel guilty or shame in eating well, exercising, sleeping and more.   

You are a strong motivated woman who is working your job or business and now have this unexpected caregiver job.  So treat it like you are CEO and manage it that way.   

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