5 steps to more peace and joy in caregiving

Conquering Resentment Masterclass

Don't put off another day with feelings of anger and resentment (as well as the guilt and shame associated with it). Resentment is a normal emotion, especially for caregivers, but it robs us of joy, energy, and our overall well-being. When we stay in this space, we may not even recognize ourselves.

Conquer these heavy, draining emotions and turn them into moments of peace and joy amidst the challenges of caregiving. You deserve to show up as your best self, and this proven 5-step framework will provide you with the tools to do just that.

Through a one-hour video and workbook journal, you'll gain the insights and strategies needed to transform your caregiving experience.


5 steps to more peace and joy in caregiving

Conquering Resentment Masterclass

Don't put off another day with feelings of anger and resentment (as well as the guilt and shame associated with it). Resentment is a normal emotion, especially for caregivers, but it robs us of joy, energy, and our overall well-being. When we stay in this space, we may not even recognize ourselves.

Conquer these heavy, draining emotions and turn them into moments of peace and joy amidst the challenges of caregiving. You deserve to show up as your best self, and this proven 5-step framework will provide you with the tools to do just that.

Through a one-hour video and workbook journal, you'll gain the insights and strategies needed to transform your caregiving experience.


What if you could transform from anger and resentment 

to a caregiver life where you learn strategies for these normal emotions

And you feel find more well-being, peace and moments of joy?  

Have you been wondering how...

to let go of your anger and resentment and find peace in your caregiver life?  

I understand the heavy weight these emotions bring, and you're not alone in this struggle. Many caregivers feel this way, but there are steps to move forward.

Imagine if...

  • You could feel less anger and frustration, and gain a sense of calm and fulfillment in your daily caregiving tasks.
  • You could replace your feelings of guilt and shame with empowerment and confidence, knowing you are not alone in this journey.
  • Getting a step-by-step roadmap that helps you navigate and release your resentment, bringing peace and joy into your caregiving journey.

And the good news?

you don't have to do it alone!

Introducing Conquering Resentment

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Transform your caregiving experience with the Conquering Resentment Masterclass.

Learn a powerful 5-step framework to help you shift your anger and resentment to peace,

enhancing your well-being and joy in caregiving.


From Overwhelmed to Empowered: My Journey Through Resentment

Anger and resentment became frequent visitors in my life, much like an endless pile of laundry—just when I thought I was done, they would come right back. After my Dad passed away, my Mom's needs surged, and I found myself juggling her care, my spouse's treatment, work responsibilities, home duties, and managing my Dad's estate and relocating my Mom. The constant demands and lack of appreciation took a significant toll on my well-being.

I vividly remember my first panic attack during this overwhelming period; my emotions burst forth like a fire hose. In that moment, I knew something had to change. I sat down with my journal and started to write, which marked the beginning of my transformation.

Through the strategies I now teach, I was able to shift my mindset and find peace amidst the chaos. This masterclass is built on those same principles that helped me turn my resentment into resilience and joy.

- Cathy  

 Caregiver Testimonials

"Very helpful.  So glad I now have this framework" --- Maria

"This framework can be used for any negative thoughts or emotions." --- Louise

"Gosh, thank you!   I don't feel alone on this ongoing challenge for me.   I now have habits that I can use to conquer my anger." --- Janet

From Overwhelmed to Empowered: My Journey Through Resentment

Anger and resentment became frequent visitors in my life, much like an endless pile of laundry—just when I thought I was done, they would come right back. After my Dad passed away, my Mom's needs surged, and I found myself juggling her care, my spouse's treatment, work responsibilities, home duties, and managing my Dad's estate and relocating my Mom. The constant demands and lack of appreciation took a significant toll on my well-being.

I vividly remember my first panic attack during this overwhelming period; my emotions burst forth like a fire hose. In that moment, I knew something had to change. I sat down with my journal and started to write, which marked the beginning of my transformation.

Through the strategies I now teach, I was able to shift my mindset and find peace amidst the chaos. This masterclass is built on those same principles that helped me turn my resentment into resilience and joy.

- Cathy  

Caregiver Testimonials

"Very helpful.  So glad I now have this framework" --- Maria

"This framework can be used for any negative thoughts or emotions." --- Louise

"Gosh, thank you!   I don't feel alone on this ongoing challenge for me.   I now have habits that I can use to conquer my anger." --- Janet

Waiting for you inside

Self-Paced Video Training

Dive into our empowering video lesson where we unpack the realities of anger and resentment in caregiving. Understand why these emotions are normal and learn a proven 5-step framework to release them.

This one-hour video, designed to be watched whenever anger and resentment arise, provides actionable tips to help you move towards more joy, energy, and peace in your caregiving journey.

Workbook Journal

This 10-page resource is designed to complement your video lesson or stand alone as a powerful tool for reflection and growth. Available for download or print, the workbook reinforces video content while serving as a personal journal.

It includes self-reflection questions, the 5-step framework, and practical tips to help you craft your personalized path to peace.

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What you will learn

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Explore the root causes and impacts of anger and resentment in caregiving.

This initial part of the masterclass will help you understand why these emotions arise and how recognizing them is the first step toward you, finding peace.

With a clear understanding of your emotions, you'll be empowered to navigate caregiving with greater clarity and purpose.


Dive into the proven 5-step PEACE framework designed to help you release anger and resentment. Get a detailed explanation of each step, offering practical strategies to transform your emotions and improve your caregiving experience.

This proven framework is a game changer, providing clear steps to navigate and overcome complex emotions. By breaking down resentment into manageable steps, you'll find that it leads to choice and empowerment, helping you cultivate a more peaceful and fulfilling caregiving journey.

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Once you learn the framework, you're ready to develop actionable steps tailored to your unique situation by building your personalized toolkit with strategies that support your emotional health and resilience.

The video provides real-life examples, habits, and results to inspire you to take meaningful action.  The workbook journal offers 10 practices to get you started, sparking other thoughts and ideas. By integrating these practices, you'll create a customized approach that fits your life and enhances your well-being.

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What you will learn

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Explore the root causes and impacts of anger and resentment in caregiving.

This initial part of the masterclass will help you understand why these emotions arise and how recognizing them is the first step toward you, finding peace.

With a clear understanding of your emotions, you'll be empowered to navigate caregiving with greater clarity and purpose.

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Dive into the proven 5-step PEACE framework designed to help you release anger and resentment. Get a detailed explanation of each step, offering practical strategies to transform your emotions and improve your caregiving experience.

This proven framework is a game changer, providing clear steps to navigate and overcome complex emotions. By breaking down resentment into manageable steps, you'll find that it leads to choice and empowerment, helping you cultivate a more peaceful and fulfilling caregiving journey.


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Once you learn the framework, you're ready to develop actionable steps tailored to your unique situation by building your personalized toolkit with strategies that support your emotional health and resilience.

The video provides real-life examples, habits, and results to inspire you to take meaningful action.  The workbook journal offers 10 practices to get you started, sparking other thoughts and ideas. By integrating these practices, you'll create a customized approach that fits your life and enhances your well-being.

Realities & Relief from Resentment

Many caregivers struggle with feelings of anger and resentment due to the high demands and emotional strain of their role. Studies show that:

  • 60% of caregivers report feeling resentment regularly, as indicated by the Family Caregiver Alliance.
  • American Psychological Association highlights that caregivers experiencing high resentment are significantly more likely to develop depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Chronic resentment is linked to a 70% increase in the likelihood of developing stress-related illnesses, according to the National Alliance for Caregiving.

Start your path to emotional freedom, deeper connections, improved well-being, and greater fulfillment by learning and applying this 5-step framework.


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Masterclass Investment


  • Empowering One-Hour Video Lesson (Value: $99)
  • Interactive 10 Page Workbook Journal (Value: $49)
  • Lifetime Access (Priceless)


$47 USD


But that's not all!

Let's Talk Bonuses  

Elevate Your Emotional Freedom

Fast Track Your Journey From Resentment To Resilience

Bonus 1: Breaking Free from the Caregiver Cage Webinar

Unlock access to one of my foundational webinars where you’ll learn to identify the three qualities of a "caged" caregiver life and discover effective strategies to free yourself from overwhelm.

When you face a tough season or uncertain journey, you have the power to choose your mindset and actions. This webinar will guide you to:

(value at $47)

Bonus 2:  Personalized Coaching Session with Cathy

Elevate your journey by accessing a personalized coaching session with Cathy, tailored specifically to help you conquer resentment. This exclusive one-on-one session is your opportunity to ask in-depth questions, share your unique story, and develop a customized strategy to overcome anger and resentment in your caregiving role.

(value at $97)

Bonus 3:  Lifetime Access

Enjoy lifetime access to the masterclass, ensuring that whenever resentment resurfaces, you can revisit and refresh your strategies. This includes all future updates and additions, providing you with a continuously evolving toolkit to maintain peace and joy in your caregiving journey.

(value is priceless!)


Frequently Asked Questions

Hey, I'm Cathy

Caregiver, Wife, Mom, Grandma, CEO of The Caregiver Cup, and Passionate about...

...creating personalized habits for caregivers that protect their well-being and enhance their caregiving experience, especially when dealing with anger and resentment.

After years of caregiving for both my parents and my spouse over the last seven years, I felt called to share my experiences, lessons learned, and strategies to help others on this journey. Caregiving can be incredibly lonely, and resources are often limited. I know firsthand that many of my successes were self-taught through trial and error. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work because each caregiver, loved one, and challenge is unique.

One of the biggest challenges I've faced is dealing with anger and resentment. These heavy emotions can rob us of joy and drain our energy, making the caregiving journey even harder. I’m here to help you shift your mindset, develop a personalized roadmap, and provide the support you need to overcome these feelings.

By validating your emotions and challenges, I aim to help you create personalized habits that protect your well-being, so you can show up as your best self. As a retired adult education professional and now a passionate entrepreneur, podcaster, and digital course creator, I am constantly striving to be a better person by prioritizing my well-being, and I want to help you do the same.

Masterclass Investment



  • Empowering One-Hour Video Lesson (Value: $99)
  • Interactive 10 Page Workbook Journal (Value: $49)
  • Lifetime Access (Priceless)
  • BONUS 1: Breaking Free from Caregiver Cage Webinar (Value: $47)
  • BONUS 2: Personalized Coaching Session with Cathy (Value: $97)

Total Value $292


$47 USD