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Episode 62:  You can quit.  Yes, you can. 

Have you ever wanted to quit?  You just want to walk away.  You had enough.  You know it’s not healthy for you, but you you know you can’t leave.

So many of us have these feelings which stop us from having a joyful life.  It prevents us from having what can be a beautiful, amazing caregiver life.

You feel like you have to stay where you are at  and you feel like this hamster on a wheel that never ends and you feel miserable.  You have to get over the belief that quitting is not an option.  

I’m probably shocking you right now by telling you this YOU CAN QUIT.

If something is not right in your life or causing more harm than good, you should look for solutions.   Stop doing what’s not right for you and open up some white space to new choices and opportunities.    If something isn’t right or it feels wrong, you can and should take a serious look at it and change it.  

I know you're probably saying,  I can’t right now.  I am a caregiver and that's the new change I was handed.    But that’s only the surface and until you think deeper, you'll stay stuck.  

Some of us may say:   I will wait unit or it’s not the right time or I’m waiting for a sign to happen or a reason to change.

The sign is now.  You know when things need to change.  You know when you need to pull away and stop, think or quit that part that isn’t right.   Listen to your internal intuition, body and soul.   Then tell yourself “I have to change the situation and myself.   

What happens when you wait or start questioning a change?   Soon you'll talk yourself out of it.   

It’s important that if you recognize that your health is suffering because you are doing too many things.  Well then you want to make changes sooner than later.  Caregiver stress will turn into burnout.  

It’s about beginning sooner than you're ready for.  It'll feel uncomfortable.  It'll feel scary.   But, you need to start taking back the controls.

That’s the whole idea of courage.  You may not know how it will turn out.   You have no idea if it will work.  But that’s the whole idea of Everything is Figureoutable.  Trust in your ability to figure it out.

Let's talk about what NOT to do and that is wait for the perfect day or time to change.  That will never come.  Decide on a day to start.   You may be saying I don’t know how to make the change.  Then think about the next step and plan.  Who will you have to talk to?  What research do you need to do?  What action will you need to take?  What support will you need?What resources do I need?

Don’t wait .  You can make changes.  You have the strength. 

Most caregivers will go through this journey with so many health issues, negativity, self-confidence issues, trauma, lack of hope, and never rebound from this.  You are an amazing woman with free will.  Free will is a gift that you can use right now.   

If your negative thoughts are in the way, pull out your journal and write that resignation letter to your negative mindset and say “i quit” to your negativity.  

If your health is suffering, it’s a clear sign you need to identify your stressors and make drastic changes.   Are you ready to fire your excuses and start taking back some time for yourself?

Are you ready to take control of your financial worries and start looking for resources and solutions,  take that first step.   Stop letting that worry take over your thoughts.  

What choice and change is necessary in your caregiver life? 

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