Episode 174:


Overcoming Pushbacks, Guilt and Shame During As You Transform As A Caregiver

 When I first began to prioritize my health and set healthy boundaries, my family was less than thrilled. There were pushbacks, guilt-inducing comments, and even some behind-the-scenes gossip. But I learned to navigate through these obstacles, and I'm sharing my experiences with you in this heartfelt episode. We'll explore the emotions your loved ones may feel when you begin to care for yourself and ways to address them, while respecting their feelings and standing your ground.

Don't let guilt or negativity derail your journey to becoming a healthier, happier caregiver. By offering a healthier version of yourself, you can create a win-win situation where everyone benefits from your transformation. If you're seeking balance as a caregiver, I encourage you to consider my personalized coaching and join the waitlist for my upcoming caregiver school. This episode is a stepping stone towards a better caregiver life. So tune in, absorb the wisdom, and remember - the first step towards caring for others is learning to care for yourself.

Get on the waitlist coming out in September.   I will be limiting the size of this group, so if you’re even considering it. 

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