Episode 173:


Creating a Fulfilling Caregiving Journey: Be The 15%

Feeling overwhelmed and stressed as a caregiver? You're not alone. Join me on this emotional roller coaster ride, where I share my personal experiences and discuss the common challenges caregivers face. I know firsthand the struggle of waking up each day feeling hopeless and the reliance on quick fixes like power naps, late-night work, and denial. But what if we could move past these temporary fixes and aim for a more fulfilling caregiving life?

Get ready to be part of that 15% who are courageous enough to bring about lasting changes in their caregiving journey. I'll guide you through the process of stepping out of your comfort zone, combating negative thoughts, and making small, consistent steps towards a better caregiving life. Together, we'll explore my new course, Empowerful Caregiver School, focused on developing new skills, creating habits, and taking consistent action. Trust me, it's not as scary as it sounds. 

And, because caregivers deserve all the care in the world, we'll wrap up by discussing the importance of self-care, to combat loneliness and improve overall well-being. Through habit stacking and pursuing personal passions, we can create moments of joy in our caregiving journey. So, let's strive for a healthier, happier life, not just for our loved ones, but for ourselves too. After all, caregiving is a marathon, not a sprint.

Get on the waitlist coming out in September.   I will be limiting the size of this group, so if you’re even considering it. 
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