Welcome to Your Empowerment Caregiver Coaching!

You’ve taken a bold step toward prioritizing your well-being and creating a path to a more balanced, joyful caregiving life 🎉🎉

Now, let’s get you the personalized support you deserve to thrive, both as a caregiver and as an individual.

You have just a few more simple steps below to get ready for our Kick-Off Session and the exciting 3-month journey ahead!

Step 1: Schedule Your Initial Kick Off Session

Pick a date and time that works best for you! Your initial session will be one hour, and we’ll be meeting via Zoom.

Once you’ve booked your session, you’ll receive a confirmation email.

Here’s how to prepare:

  • Mark Your Calendar: Block off the time and find a quiet, distraction-free space where you can fully focus. This session is all about YOU, so I want you to feel present and relaxed.
  • Zoom Details: We’ll be using Zoom for our session. Feel free to decide if you'd like to be on camera or not—whatever makes you most comfortable!

I’m honored that you’re prioritizing yourself and your well-being. This step is a powerful move toward a healthier, more balanced caregiving life, and I’m excited to be part of your journey!

CLICK HERE to SCHEDULE your initial session

Step 2: Make Your Payment


You’re almost there! The final step is to complete your payment and secure your spot in the Empowerment (3 Month) Caregiver Coaching program. Choose the payment plan that works best for you, and once it's processed, you’ll be all set to begin this transformative journey toward clarity, support, and a more balanced caregiving life.

Let’s get started on making the changes you’ve been striving for!


3 Monthly Payments of $220 USD



Pay In Full  $647 USD


You’re All Set! 🎉 

Now that you’ve completed Steps 1 and 2, here’s what’s next:

  • Step 1: You’ve filled out your questionnaire, giving me valuable insight into your caregiving journey.
  • Step 2: Your payment is processed, securing your Caregiver Breakthrough Session.

Step 3 is now in my hands!

I’m currently reviewing everything you’ve shared, and I’ll be setting an agenda tailored to your unique needs for our kickoff session. (I may send over a few more questions to make sure we’re fully prepared!)

During our session, we’ll also set up your weekly check-ins and discuss how to make the most of your Voxer access in between our meetings. If you have any questions or need anything before our call, please reach out at [email protected].

I’m so excited to work together to help you create a more balanced, joyful caregiving life—you deserve it!

