Sunday Planning


Today we’re talking about being prepared and proactive in this challenging and crazy life you’re living right now.  I want to share my tips based on what has worked for me and what has crashed and burned too. 

You're juggling your work hours, schedule and its demands plus caring for your Loved One.  

Then add the normal every day responsibilities like house chores, meals, errands, etc

Then you have your own personal time (essential plus your personal time)

Picture this:  

  • My work calendar is online - on my work laptop - on an outlook calendar

  • My Mom’s appointments are on her paper calendar on her bulletin board

  • My spouse’s appointments are on his phone and through his doctor’s app and when he or I remember, they are put on the calendar on our refrig

  • My business is on my Google calendar

  • Then my personal appointments are on post it notes, in your wallet, maybe the refrig calendar and if I am feeling organized, I add them to the refrig calendar.  

Can you relate.  Prior to caregiving, I thought I was organized and actually when I was raising my 3 boys, I used to refer to myself as the project master and knew exactly what was going on at any time.  

Times have changed.  I could psycho- analyze myself,  but I believe it takes a heck of a lot of energy, emotions, patience and time to care for a Loved One.  

So in this episode I want to talk about what you can control and what you can do to be as prepared and organized with your time as possible.  

Disclaimer here - my way is not always the right way for you.   It took me months and months to find what worked for me.  Then…  when I got it right.  The situation changed again.  

You may be saying, why plan and why organize?   

Planning is important because it helps you use your time in the most efficient way. You can realistically...

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