Take just 20 minutes daily to improve your caregiver stress

Before caregiving,  I was very active.   I went to the gym 5-6 days a week.  Prior to my Dad and Spouse getting their cancer diagnosis in Sept 2017, I was training for my 9th half marathon.  

It was a habit and routine I stuck with since I felt better.  I watched what I ate.  Don’t get me wrong, there were days I didn’t want to get up and move my body.  But when I did, I was happier.   

Then Sept 2017 came and I thought I didn’t have time.  I told myself I was too tired.

By Summer of 2019, I was 30 pounds heavier.  I had digestive issues and was clinically depressed.  I looked in the mirror at me and decided enough was enough.  

I knew I had to move each day.  It was hard to start again.  I knew what to do but breaking the caregiver life routine without exercise was harder than I could ever imagine.  

But I'm working on moving 20 minutes each day.   Even with the pandemic, I knew I could still move.

What about you?   Can you find just 20 minutes each day?   YOU Can.  You have to!!!  It’s just 20.    

Let’s talk about what you and I can do in these 20 minutes.  It has to be fun or you won’t stay with it.  If you hate running - don’t run.  But if you don’t mind walking - walk.  

  • Walk and make it fun by putting on your ear buds and listening to your favorite music or a podcast.  Walk with a friend.  Take the dog for a walk.  Find a trail or window shop downtown
  • Take a bike ride.  Last summer I would schedule my break time and go for a bike ride.  
  • What about Yoga?
  • Dance in the kitchen.
  • Get on an Elliptical orTreadmill and catch up with your favorite show.
  • Dumbbells are a quick and easy way to tone. 
  • Vacuuming and cleaning will get you moving.  
  • Gardening and yard work count too.

It’s just about getting your heart rate...

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Caregivers, self-care is important!

self-care Jan 26, 2021

You are in for a big treat with today's guest.  I chatted with a life coach and business friend who is passionate about self-care, self-love and the pursuit of growth.  

Today's guest, Amy Linsmeyer, is dedicated to helping women move forward in their personal and entrepreneur journey by encouraging dreams, their authentic self and developing a foundation that supports sustainable growth.   

She share that sometimes you have to let the pieces fall and be ok with it.  You can't do it all.  So when looking at how full your schedule is, determine what is priority.  

Another great piece of advice is - We need to know where we are, before we go where we’re going to go.   Take a step back and assess your situation.  You can't just say I am implementing self-care.  You may be just adding to your overwhelm.  Start with these steps: 

  • Write down your mornings for 3 days first before you go to work/clock in
  • You’ll start to notice times what and where you can fit in time
  • If you can’t find a morning routine, then look at what you are doing in the evening
  • Then find something you like and give it a try
  • You may have to adjust and change until you can find "your thing"

It all comes down to what we want in life.   Appreciate the importance of you putting yourself first.   It may be a simple walk or sitting and having  your cup of coffee in the morning and journaling.   

The difference between wanting and having is an action.  What are you doing to make it happen?   If you are not making the time you want to do, you basically are setting yourself up for failure.  

Even if you only have 15 minutes - you can journal gratitude or do some stretching. 

If you want to show up for your Loved One, practice gratitude.   You will show up differently.  

It’s even more important to adopt a Morning Routine and...

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Oh no, my battery is low. What about you?

self-care Dec 15, 2020

Episode 11:  Oh no, my phone’s battery is low.  What about you? 

FACT:  You have 168 hours a week.  24 hours a day.  No more.  

  • How many hours do you work your 9-5 job or business?
  • How many hours do you spend doing work around your home?
  • How many hours errands (that grocery shopping, pharmacy hours)
  • Now at the time of the podcast - it’s holiday season - so how many hours are you shopping, wrapping, baking, decorating or doing other activities of the season. 
  • How many hours do you spend caregiving
  • Then your time and hopefully it’s self-care your me time 

Have you said any of these words out loud or to yourself  

  • I am so tired? 
  • I can barely make it through the day. 
  • I would give anything to take a nap. 
  • I can’t remember the last time I had a goodnight sleep. 
  • Ijust keep drinking caffeine hoping to stay awake. 

Here was a schedule I had back in 2017 

  • It’s Monday
  • Get up at 5:30 am 
  • Household chores (throw in a load of wash, tidy up around the house and water the flowers outside)
  • Pack my lunch and work laptop and supplies)
  • Journal and 30 minutes of working my business
  • Then shower and quick breakfast
  • 7:00 - drive my spouse to his day 1 of 3 chemotherapies and doctor appointments
  • Lab work, doctor’s appt and then sit by the chemotherapy chair until 3pm
  • I work my 9-5 job during that time
  • 3pm drive spouse home.  He is not feeling well.  So get him in his lazy boy with crackers, jello and a warm blanket.
  • Go to my home office and finish 9-5 job.  
  • 5pm:  fold that laundry, make dinner, dishes - spouse isn’t hungry and goes to bed.  
  • 7-10 pm:  work on my business
  • 10pm check on spouse and get ready for bed
  • 11pm spouse is up not feeling well - get him some Tylenol
  • Can’t sleep due to worry - get up and down checking on spouse

The next day the same.  

Here’s another day...

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