Impacts Of A Nostalgic Caregiver


We are talking about the caregiver type called Nostalgic.  

Do you find yourself saying:

  • "Ah, the good old days" 
  • "If only I could go back and relive those moments." 
  • "I wish I could rewind the movie of my life and enjoy the way it was."  

Well friend, we're going to dive deep into this today and talk about the qualities and the impacts of being a Nostalgic.  

If you haven’t taken our quiz called “What’s your Caregiver style?  Go to     

I want to start out with a story from my past.  

I lived in a middle class, blue collar home.  My dad worked in the automotive business and my mom clean houses.  They worked hard and took pride in the things they had.  They were always doing home improvement and working on the curb appeal of our home.  But one thing I really remember was the fun time.  When they weren’t working, they liked to play hard.    My Dad remodel the basement in our ranch home

  • Indoor outdoor carpet in the basement
  • Family room on one side 
  • Table in the middle to sit around and do crafts, play games
  • Mom hung our family pictures and those uncomfortable grade school pictures
  • Dad built his bar at the other end with bar stools, his stereo (8 track tapes)
  • Entertaining area - played cards, had my bottled pop and every so often Dad would pull out the video reel and we would sit and watch old movies of ourselves

Why am I telling you this?   Everyone of us has a bit of nostalgia in us and hopefully we all embrace those wonderful memories. 

One of the caregiver styles of our quiz is 

The Nostalgic Caregiver looks at their Loved One remembering those special past experiences and memories.  You desire to return to an earlier time in life by wishing things were back the way they were.   

It was extremely hard to watch my Dad crinkle and crumble away...

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