E215: Caregiving Journey: Resilience, Mindfulness and Self-Care with Danae Robinett


When Danae Robinett shares her caregiving journey, her words carry both weight and warmth. In a recent podcast episode, she bravely opens up about her experiences caring for her parents, who both battled cancer. Her story isn't just about challenges faced; it's a testament to resilience and offers profound lessons for anyone in a similar role.

As Danae navigates the complexities of healthcare and daily caregiving demands, she emphasizes the importance of self-care and mindfulness. Her insights serve as a guide for those struggling to find balance amidst responsibilities. Danae's narrative highlights the transformative power of approaching life's challenges with mindfulness.

One key lesson Danae shares is the importance of self-preservation while caring for others. She discusses setting boundaries, saying "no" when necessary, and managing time and emotions to sustain both caregiver and care receiver.

Throughout the episode, Danae discusses practical caregiving issues, from...

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E39: The 5 lessons my Dad taught me


Father's Day is bittersweet.  My Dad lost his battle to pancreatic cancer on April 12, 2018.  I was fortunate enough spend the last 17 days before he received his wings.   But this podcast is not about the last day.   It's about those special memories and the lessons he taught me.  

Thank you for allowing me to share a bit about him.  

Listen to my entire podcast episode.  

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