2021 Name Change - The Caregiver Cup Podcast


Happy New Year!  It’s Cathy Here!

I 'm recording this episode on January 1, 2021.  It’s  a new year.  I know a lot of us are happy to say good-bye to 2020.   

As a country and world, we faced challenges that we never thought we would ever face.  The pandemic changed our lives.  

  • Did you have to change the way you worked?  
  • Did you have to change the way you shopped?
  • Did you have to change the way you connected with your family and friends?
  • Did you have to change the way you took care of your loved one?  
  • Did you change yourself personally?
  • Did you take on any new routines?  

2020 taught me to NOT take things for granted.   Hugs from my family, celebrations

It taught me how to enjoy the little things.   Facetime chats, videos, board games

It taught me it’s ok to sit quiet.   I journaled more than ever

It taught me to take advantage of the situation.   I thought about my purpose

In October 2020, I started my podcast The Caregiver Wife.  I wanted to share my experiences, lessons learned and more with other Caregivers.  So I paid for a digital course and within a month, I was on air.   I have met some pretty amazing women who share their hardships, their courage and most importantly how they figure things out in their new normal as a Caregiver.

I heard the story of Dana, whose spouse is bedridden from a car accident.  They have been married for 15 years and have 4 children.  Life changed when she got the call.  She had to figure out how to work and take car of her husband.  She learned that reaching out for resource is key for her.  She has a nurse coming in 2 days a week to help with bathing and care.  She also has a physical therapist 2 times a week.  She now has all her groceries, pharmacy and essentials delivered to her home.   She is continuing to find ways to time manage better....

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