E34: My Thursday self-care with my accountability partners


This is a behind-the-scene (fun) episode where I asked my accountability partners record an episode.  Each week, I meet with Amy and Naomi.  The weekly accountability meetings are for us to share our success, challenges and to ask questions and provide support.  Little did I know a year ago that we would become close friends.

Thursday nights have become part of my self-care.  These amazing ladies listen to my challenges without judgement, cheer me on when I find joy and success and pick me up.   I have also been able to give back to them and have seen my confidence grow. 

I encourage you to find your "group".   It took a little courage to put a post out in a group on Facebook.  It was well worth the fear.  You are welcome to  post in The Caregiver Cup Podcast Online Community 

If you are in the Meeting and Event Planning field, check out Naomi Tucker at https://plannersonpurpose.com/

If you are looking for a life coach, check out Amy Linsmeyer at https://amylinsmeyer.com/

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