Identify Your People Pleasing Tendencies


Let me get real honest and raw with you today.  This podcast was hard to prepare for and it’s even harder to share.  This podcast is all about people pleasing.  Why you say - I am a people pleaser and I should really have my own club or group.  

Are you saying, Yes too.  Or are you saying No, I am not a people pleaser

Well, my friend, I have three quick statements before we begin.

  • We all have people pleasing tendencies
  • People pleasing isn’t all bad 
  • But… people pleasing can lead to stress and burnout especially if you are a caregiver.  

Before we deep dive into this topic, I have something really excited to share with you! It’s a Quiz.  This one is very different.   It’s not one asking you what character you are or what color or animal you are…..  It’s truly about caregiving with very, very informative results.  It’s call What’s your Caregiver Style?  You can take this FREE quiz today by going to or going to The Caregiver Cup on Facebook or @cathylynnvan on Instagram.  It takes less than 3 minutes and you will get very in-depth and informative results to help you think through your caregiver responsibilities.  

Let’s now dig into  People Pleasing.   

As a caregiver, Your Loved One is your top priority.   You open your heart, soul and energy to go beyond simple kindness to give to them everything they need and want.    

Pleasing might not sound all that bad.  After all, what’s wrong with loving and being nice to your Loved One and making them happy?  You do whatever it takes meaning you make sacrifices with little to no complaints.  

You go out of your way to do things for them based on what you assume they want and need.  You give up your time and energy.

The urge to please them can be rewarding to you, but...

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The Impacts Of Being A Go Getter


People call me a hustle, a powerhouse, a boot straper, or an energizer bunny.   I am energetic, determined and an achiever.  

Is this you?   Most of the time, some of the time, before caregiving or something you're striving for?

One of the results of my quiz called “What’s your caregiver style? is The Go-Getter.  

Qualities of a Go-Getter

Go-Getters are active, flexible people who put a great deal of passion and energy into juggling it all and being an effective caregiver.  Your ability to adapt and willingly jump in with a positive attitude and enthusiasm provides comfort to your Loved One.   

You pride yourself in staying motivated and ambitious with your high levels of organization and multitasking.  Your mottos are "get it done" or "I'll figure it out". 

Can you relate?   These qualities may be innate or experiences you been taught.  

 Go-Getters are: 

 Disciplined   You manage your time well and will use every bit of it.  You understand the importance of your Loved One's care and balancing your job, passions, goals and other essential responsibilities.   

You might find yourself using a planner or a scheduler.  

Celebrating  small achievements  You don’t focus on magical celebration at the end of the road. You celebrate your small successes each day and practice gratitude.

Gratitude journaling and checking off the boxes make you feel good.

Passionate  You realize the importance of your Loved One's relationship and care.  Go-Getters are passionate about what they do and are excited to work on many things they care about.

You may find yourself pursuing your passions right along side of caregiving.

Finding Support  You empower family and a team together to get the best possible care for your Loved One.   You...

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