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Ways to find your morning magic as a caregiver

 You wake up and are just not ready to take on your day. You’re tired, feel emotional, a bit moody and cant’ get yourself going. You sit on the toilet with your hands in your head and yawn. You look in the mirror and try to smile at yourself but you catch yourself staring at that person like a zombie.
How do you get going?
Oh, then your mind starts playing tricks with you. Can I squeeze in an extra 10 minutes of sleep. Maybe I should skip the show, make up or stay in my pjs.
I bet you can relate. Have you said - what’s wrong with me?
The true facts is that caregiving adds a whole new amount of physical and emotional stressors to your plate. That’s why it’s important to find ways to recognize caregiver fatigue and then find ways to reduce it.
Let me share a few ways I kickstart my morning, shift my mindset and keep me going and hey, these may even reduce my stress. I would suggest you just start trying things (one at a time). Maybe one a week and see which one you really enjoy and one that fits you.
  1. Venture outside. There’s nothing better than sun and fresh air to give you a boost. Maybe it’s a walk outside. I have 2 dogs that wait to be fed and then I have to let them out. I feed the birds.
  2. Journaling. I do this in two different ways. Every morning I journal my gratitude. Those 5 things I am grateful for. Some days are easy and there are days where it’s harder. Don’t pressure yourself to find perfect gratitude. It may be a robin flying by or the color of the sky. Forming this habit will shift your mindset. The other way is journaling during emotional times. You can privately express your thoughts and emotions. I feel that i can release them a bit when i write them out.
  3. Self Affirmations. It can be a part of your journaling ritual. They are a mental practice. I thought at first it was stupid and silly. You talk to yourself or write to yourself. But when I started looking at myself in the mirror and I told myself the I ams and the I believes, I felt more focused, positive and joyful. I now put notes on my mirror and screen savers on my phone. Water. Your body has gone without water for 7-9 hours.
  4. Water has so many health benefits like aids in digestion, boosts metabolism, and strengthens your immune system. But it also increases alertness and fuels your body. I sit a glass of water on my dresser.
  5. Fuel your body. What’s your fuel, your food that will get you started for the day. The worst thing you can do is skip breakfast or eat an unhealthy breakfast. Now I’m not a nutritionist but have I met with health coaches and read a lot of info about this. I have my supplements and green smoothie each morning. It includes my proteins, healthy fat, spinach, almond milk and flax seed.
  6. Exercise. For me sweating, getting my heart rate up and moving my body gets me motivated, out of any funk and will keep me grounded. If I can get up and do this first thing, it’s a huge win for me. I like to change it up with walking, biking, elliptical, and weights. But again, you have to find what works for you and your situation.
  7. Consume. What will I take in while getting ready, doing my household chores or driving to work/appointment. I can get sucked into the news really, really easy or Facebook or emails. But when I make a conscious effort to listen to music to pump me up or get me thinking about a great memory it fuels me. Or a good podcast (hope you listen to this one each weekly).
  8. Grace and Adjusting. You can’t do it all. That the logic and my mind and body are rebels. But when I finally came to terms with realistically looking at what my top 3 priorities is when I felt like I could breathe. I can have a to do list of 20 items and work until midnight 7 days a week, but it will soon catch up on you. It’s important to look to see what 3 things are most important.
  9. Sleep - If you don’t get a good night sleep, you may as well throw out your motivation, mood and mindset.

Now there is no magic potion. It may take you some time to figure out your “go to” morning magic. So keep exploring and trying new things. As a caregiver, you may have to adjust based on your Loved One and season.

But I do know when you find your morning, you will know it.