E56: Finding Your Purpose As A Caregiver


When we are going through change / hard seasons,  you need that purpose to get you out of bed on those hard days.   Need a reason  You need a why.  

What’s going to motivate you more.  It most likely is not work, caregiving and netflix.   You need something that’s going to keep you alive 

There are three phases of our caregiver normal:    

  • 1st phase of being a new caregiver - that honeymoon stage
    • Everything is new
    • You go all in and do whatever it takes
    • You are totally committed and feel you can do it all
    • You may be sad, worried and can’t focus
  • 2nd phase:  reality sinks in
    • You ask yourself - Is this my life?
    • Can i really do this forever?
    • You feel personal loss, loneliness and miss your old life.
  • 3rd phase:  you have choices to change yourself and the situation
    • "We can’t control the storms coming in our life, but we can control how we work through the storms."  Trent Shelton
    • You are in Acceptance of the journey, challenges and new normal
    • You can’t stay stuck
    • You see the importance of changing things and the results it has if you don’t change it.
    • You're moving to deciding on your purpose and what you are going to make of your situation. 

What is your purpose? 

  • Needs to Matter to YOU.   
  • Must be bigger than you.  
  • Something you are working on for the future

What kind of impact do you want to leave in this world?  

If you don’t think you can leave your footprint in this world as a caregiver, Friend, let me tell you …. YOU CAN.   You actually are.  

Are you living a passion filled life?   Are you called to do something bigger?  
Can you shed self-doubt, find inspiration and change your life for the better?  Heck Ya!

Because when caregiving is over (whatever the outcome brings to you), you want to be proud of yourself for what you did.